Dear families:
The first week back to school has been a successful one! The students were very aware of the importance of keeping themselves and others safe while enjoying their learning and play. Consistent hand washing and physical distancing was practiced and implemented in all classes. Well done Rogers!! For those children who generally walk to and from school on their own, they may continue to do this for the remaining weeks in June.
For families that continue to work from home, we look forward to you all returning in the fall. I will keep you posted on our district and school plans for September. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created three different schooling models that support our children’s learning: full-time & part-time instruction plus remote learning. Potentially we may need to utilize all three models for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.
I have provided a link to the importance and benefits of taking children outside. Not only does it play a key role in learning, it also aids in the development of happy and healthy children. Early Learning and Elementary Take me Outside
I have also attached a family letter from our superintendent, Shelley Green. 05 June 2020 – Superintendent Letter to Families (003).pdf
Take care.
Cindy Sanderson
Rogers Elementary